Alain Kimbu

CSc. Teacher

Web & Mobile Developer

Graphics Designer

Alain Kimbu Nikang

9th Oct 2021 – 3th Sept 2021
Computer Science Intern • CTO Trainee • ELISSAM Hotel Mboppi Douala

7th Jan 2022 – 28th Jan 2022
Computer Science Student Teacher • BCHS Nkwen Bamenda

20th Oct 2021 – [To Present]
Graphics Designer • TS Bless Music Ministry

A young computer scientist who is passionate about who he does and put in the best to produce good results to clients. Also, a researcher about the field of computer science and like being aware of relevant things


CCAST Bambili, Bamenda (2012 – 2018)
• From form one to five attaining 8 papers at the O Levels in Sciences
BCHS Nkwen, Bamenda (2019/2020 Academic year)
• Uppersixth Sciences attaining 3 at the A Levels in Physics, Chemistry and Computer Sciences
Higher Technical Teachers Training College Bambili, University Of Bamenda Studying Computer Science – DEPET I

- Programming Languages: C#, C, HTML, JavaScript, CSS
- Libraries: jQuery
- Frameworks: Xamarin Forms (Mobile App Development)
- Web Developer (Frontend and Backend)
- Graphics Designer
- Computer Maintenance

Currently the .Net Facilitator at the Microsoft Student Learn Cameroon

References: KIMBU FELIX • 676 412 141
Personal Information
Mattam quarter Mile 10, Bambui, Tubah
Bamenda, 0000
+237 651008132
+237 683777901
English (UK)